Some Things Never Change
A Servant’s Tale
This weekend marks ten years since I transitioned from Vinings to Snellville. As one would expect, some things have changed, and some are still the same. Fred Cradock tops my list of favorite preachers (I don’t see that changing). I still have a comic book pull box at Galactic Quest in Lawrenceville. I still enjoy Star Wars, Doctor Who, Marvel, and DC movies and books. I’m as big a music nut as I ever was, and my tastes haven’t really changed. It’s hard to beat Elvis, The Beatles, The Beach Boys, ELO, King’s X, and Genesis, to name a few. I still love pizza. I could go on, but, you get the idea.
But much has changed, some for the better, some I’m still trying to wrap my head and heart around. I have spent the last seven-plus years living apart from people I never thought would leave. My greatest cheerleader, Granny, fell asleep in Jesus just under four years ago. Many days have been spent thinking about what it is that keeps me running to Jesus as I find myself overwhelmed with just being me, not to mention my daily concern and love for you, no matter how imperfectly I may show it.
But I know I’m not alone. I know that some of you are walking through wreckage in your lives, be it physical, emotional, spiritual, or all of the above. What comforts me is that our Lord Jesus has felt and deeply understands ALL we go through. He has gone before us. And so, paraphrasing Jeremiah, the hymn writer reminds us, “Morning by morning new mercies I see, great is Thy faithfulness, Lord unto me.” This “gives me hope in the middle of the night and makes me run to Him.” I pray it will bring you hope as well.