The Return!
I received some helpful suggestions to pray over and consider for my Preaching Calendar. Thank you! Some suggestions may not find their way into a sermon, but many will! I have used the texts from the Revised Common Lectionary since coming to New Hope and have benefitted greatly from doing so. I will return to it in the upcoming Advent season.
We have several dear people; perhaps you are one of them in the grip of sickness, sadness, anxiety, quarantine, confusion, and doubt. These are all a part of our life together as human beings. It’s enough to encourage pulling the covers over our heads and calling it a day. I find comfort and hope in God’s written Word in these times. The Bible does not ignore our frailties, weaknesses, and sins. Oh no! They’re all there, From Abram to Jacob, Samson to David, from freedom to exile, from Judas to Peter, from Saul of Tarsus to those John refers to as “antichrists,” right on down through church history to you and me.
Even Jesus, though the sinless Son of God, experienced our frailty and weakness. And right there is where we find comfort and hope. He invites us to come to Him, and we will find rest, healing, strength, grace, mercy, compassion, and love. In His holy life and death, Jesus came to deal with all that separates us from God and one another. Through his resurrection, ascension, and the sending of the Holy Spirit, Jesus comes to us in our pain and brings healing and wholeness to us. Ours is to abide in his love, trust in Him, and pray and pray, and pray.
New Hope, we are loved with a love that surpasses ALL understanding. May we rejoice, even in our suffering, Jesus is Lord! May God bless and keep us.