It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year
Lent is upon us. The season begins on March 5 with Ash Wednesday, which reminds us of our sins and our need for the grace and forgiveness of God. It is an invitation to disciples of Christ to focus on their need for confession and repentance. Also, those same disciples join Jesus as he sets his face toward Jerusalem and the last week of his life, culminating in the mystery and beauty of Maundy Thursday, the grief and triumph of Good Friday, and Holy Saturday's silence. For the next seven weeks, excluding Sundays, Jesus calls us to follow him into the very depths of hell. We have many tools to guide us through Lent. Consider not just giving up something this year (chocolate, coffee, caffeine, your favorite food, whatever), but live in the pages of Scripture. Allow God to speak through his written Word. You will not regret it. As always, I am here to assist in any way I can. God bless you.