Memories Stirred

A Servant’s Tale

Today, I found an old picture of me, my Granny, and my Papa. It was taken at Midway Christian Church in Austell. I was dressed in my JC Penney’s finest (a uniform worn as a member of the Christian Minstrels at Point University, which also doubled as suitable clothing for leading worship). The year was 2001. I would graduate from Point University and be a husband and Father within three years. But here in my home church, I had the privilege of leading worship and sharing Sundays with two of the dearest people I ever had in my life. I treasure these memories.

It wouldn’t be long before I left Midway to attend First Christian Church in Tyrone, GA. It was here that I would be ordained into the Christian Ministry in 2002. Two and a half years later, my little family would pack up and head north to West Virginia. I served the Maple View Church of Christ as an Associate Minister of Music and Education. It was quite an experience. I had good friends and a faithful pastoral example in Tony Reed. I miss those good people and will always cherish my time in “almost heaven.”

In 2008, I ended up here. I’m still here. The list of dear people, some of whom are no longer with us, is long. I am a more faithful and thoughtful follower of Jesus because of their investment in my life. I’m far from perfect and have many miles to go on the road of discipleship. But I know I’m not alone. Granny and Papa cheer from their seats in the great cloud of witnesses, as do many others from Point, Midway, Maple View, and New Hope.

Church family, always remember we’re not alone. God is with us. His mercies are new every morning. He is faithful, especially when we are not. May this Lenten season bring to our memories the saints in our lives and draw us closer and closer to the heart of our Father.



It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year