Easter Bag Drive

Our Easter Blessing Bag Drive for the Co-Op is underway. All bags should be returned by March 24th to be delivered to the Co-Op before Easter Sunday. This year, we are asking for something a little different. In consultation with the Co-Op, we will ask you to concentrate on applesauce and canned fruits. We are calling this our “Lenten Fruit” drive. Fruit items are chronically needed at the Co-Op as they cannot be obtained from the Atlanta Food Bank. Also, there is a need for a portion of the canned foods to be opened without a can opener, as the Co-Op regularly sees people who cannot access a kitchen.

We give as we are reminded of the greatest gift we have received. All you have to do is grab a bag on your way out anytime during the drive. Fill the bag with the items listed on the front. Return the bag to the Small Fellowship Hall no later than March 24th. There is no limit to how many bags you can fill, and there is no limit to how many lives you can touch this Easter.

Please see Jim Durant with any questions or ways to get involved with this extraordinary mission! For information about the Co-Op, please visit their website at https://lawrencevilleco-op.org/what-we-do/


Graduate Sunday


Community BBQ Fundraiser