Disciples Women

The Disciples Women will be providing a themed gift basket as a door prize at The Craddock Center’s Family Mini Golf Tournament to be held on May 11. This event is a fundraiser for The Center. At our last meeting, we decided to put together a game basket that will consist of both indoor and outdoor games that children and their families can enjoy. Any contributions are welcome. All items need to be brought to the church no later than Sunday, March 3, and put in the children’s classroom in the Sunday School wing. James and Carol will be taking the basket, or baskets if we receive enough for more than one, to The Craddock Center on Saturday, March 2.

On March 10, we will have our 4-S Luncheon (soups, salads, sandwiches, sweets) in the Large Fellowship Hall following worship. Sign-up sheets are available on the Disciples Women bulletin board and the bulletin board in the Narthex. This year’s luncheon is not a fundraiser. It is a time for us to gather in fellowship with each other.


Oakland Community Garden


Easter Bag Drive