Fall Festival & BBQ
Thank you for taking the time to complete the BBQ Survey! We are planning to have a different cook this time, but if he can’t do it, we will have the same cook as the Spring Arts and Crafts Fair. Gayle Stanton’s family has volunteered for the early shift (7 am-10 am) to trim the fat and shred the pork. We will offer Sweet Baby Rays and Kroger Hot & Spicy barbeque sauce. Most people are all right with Stouffer’s Mac & Cheese but many prefer we add a little something to the baked beans if we have enough volunteers. Gayle Lopes’ sister, Vicki, will head up the “add a little something to the baked beans” party.
The Silent Auction is going to be set up in the Large Fellowship Hall instead of out amongst the vendor booths. We will be able to spread out and show off the baskets we will have for sale. Like last year, you will be able to make one of the themed basket ideas we have available, make a donation toward a specific basket, create your own basket, or ask a company to sponsor a basket. There are lots of ways to get involved!
BBQ tickets are available to purchase and/or help us sell. The money (or unsold tickets) will need to be turned in no later than Sunday, September 8th so we have time to purchase the food. Something new for this BBQ is electronic tickets. Feel free to share the link below on social media or email with anyone to buy/sell tickets. Thank you.